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A Queer Classicist who’s not actually a classicist – seems like a rough start?

I might have been studying Classics in various forms for the past six years, but my one true love will always be Ancient History.

Tomayto tomahto right?

As you’ll definitely come to see, I believe that Classics as a field was born through racist concepts of eurocentricity and eurosupremacy, and that restricting yourself to only studying Greece and Rome is an inherently flawed and biased approach. I love Ancient History from across the globe, and I think it’s really important to highlight the histories of minority groups, who are often excluded from the white androcentric Western narrative.

So what is this? Good question.

This blog is a place where ‘atypical’ ancient history is going to be written. We’re talking niche, we’re talking sexual, we’re talking taboo. There will be frank conversations on the heteronormativity, racism, and sexism inherent in Classics today, and there will be conspiracies about ancient allusions to sexual kinks. It’s going to be a wild ride. But it won’t be boring.

So strap in and strap on, let’s get exploring xox

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